Adviceonmedicare is an Independent Insurance Agency. We are not affiliated with Medicare.

Starting a Business After 60? Use These 4 Tips for a Head Start

Retirement brings about many new opportunities for retirees to explore. While many individuals look forward finding leisure golfing or tennis, others are looking for the adventure found in starting their very own business. But the world of business has changed dramatically in the last decade. Today, your business must be online to achieve any measurable […]

Which Ages Are Important for Retirement Planning

Whether you are retiring tomorrow or in twenty years, it is important to take note of important planning milestones. Understanding when certain benefits become available, change, or expire will help you plan accordingly and allow you to maximize your retirement to its fullest. Age 50 – For 2020, you can increase contributions to your retirement plans […]

Conversation Etiquette: How to Express Your Opinion on Social Media

Aged, retired, couple having a video call on tablet during romanitic dinner. Old people sitting at the table, talking, using the technology, internet, celebrating their anniversary in the dining room. Opinions are like… belly buttons. Everybody has one. But just because we do does not mean we need, or should, be gushing them all over […]

Healthy Recipes for Fall Produce

Vegetables and fruits falling out of tipped over bag next to large empty space over rustic wooden background With autumn comes the fall harvest. A time when a kaleidoscope of color fills our markets with yellow squash, orange pumpkins, and red beets. But for too many, vegetables are served up in traditional boring ways, such […]

How to Save on Electricity for Free

Do you cringe every time you open your electric bill? If you are like the millions of homeowners across the country, you likely wonder if there is anything you can do to reduce your power bill without breaking the bank. Fortunately, we’ve put together 10 steps you can take today that will lower your electricity costs before […]

Whole Or Term Life Insurance

In 1962, the Phoenix Candy Company released the Now and Later bar. Each bar of candy included several individually wrapped taffy squares. The idea was consumers could eat some taffy right away and save the remainder for another time in the future. Now and Later bars satisfy both your current and future needs to satisfy your sugar […]

Does a Stay-at-Home Spouse Need Life Insurance?

A stay-at-home spouse is perhaps one of the most under-appreciated persons in our society. However, purchasing life insurance for those who stay at home is often overlooked when families sit down and work through their financial plan. Life insurance is usually thought of a product designed to replace income. Because stay-at-home spouses do not generate […]

Preventing Heart Health Issues

The statistics are sobering. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States among both men and women.[i] As every minute passes by, no less than 2 Americans are losing their life to this terrible disease. The good news is there are things you can […]

Life Insurance for your Newlywed Child

The wedding of your son or daughter is one of the most memorable times in a parent’s life. Often weeks or months go into the planning of their special day. And while it is customary to give the bride and groom a memorable gift, one present often not thought of enough is the gift of […]

Exercises for a Sedentary Lifestyle

As technology marches on, the need for us humans to be physically active diminishes more and more every day. Most individuals no longer received enough physical activity during their daily routines. Instead, we find ourselves sitting behind computer screens, televisions, and (someday) self-driving cars for much of the day. The increased health risks associated with […]