Adviceonmedicare is an Independent Insurance Agency. We are not affiliated with Medicare.
To get general or claims specific Medicare information and important telephone numbers. If you need help in a language other than English or Spanish, say “Agent” to talk to a customer service representative.
State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP)
To get free personalized Medicare counseling on decisions about coverage; help with claims, billing, or appeals; and information on programs for people with limited income and resources.
Social Security
To get a replacement Medicare card; change your address or name; get information about Part A and/or Part B eligibility, entitlement, and enrollment; apply for Extra Help with Medicare prescription drug costs; ask questions about premiums; and report a death.
Coordination of Benefits Contractor
To get information on whether Medicare or your other insurance pays first and to report changes in your insurance information.
Department of Defense
To get information about TRICARE for Life and the TRICARE Pharmacy Program.
Department of Health and Human Services
Office of Inspector General—If you suspect Medicare fraud.
Office for Civil Rights
If you think you were discriminated against or if your health information privacy rights were violated.
Department of Veterans Affairs
If you’re a veteran or have served in the U.S. military.
Office of Personnel Management
To get information about the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program for current and retired Federal employees.
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)
If you have benefits from the RRB, call them to change your address or name, check eligibility, enroll in Medicare, replace your Medicare card, and report a death.
Quality Improvement Organization (QIO)
To ask questions or report complaints about the quality of care for a Medicare covered service or if you think your service is ending too soon. Call 1 800 MEDICARE to get the telephone number for your QIO.
Your Senior Benefits Specialist
We handle all types of personal and business insurance needs. Our firm is staffed by people committed to providing our clients with highly personalized service. We are an Independent Insurance Agency. We are not affiliated with Medicare.
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